I am performing RiboseqR analysis now and ran into a problem with aroundPromoter command that I don't understand and have no idea what to do. The problem is that when I run my command as below:
#Load the library
#BAM file import
aln <- readGAlignments(BamFile("/Users/amir/Documents/Amir files/iSeq 100 data/Iseq data analyzed/bam files/BAM_4D-Suc.bam"))
#txdb object with annotations
txdb <- TxDb.Athaliana.BioMart.plantsmart28
oneBinRanges <- aroundPromoter(txdb, alnGRanges, percBestExpressed=0.001)
I then get the error:
Error in if (quantCounts <= 0) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Can you please help me what should I do to get rid of this problem?
Amir Mahboubi
Postdoc at Umea plant science centre
Umea, Sweden
I have exact same problem analyzing footprints from mouse liver. Any insight would be much appreciated.
Hi everyone! I am also running into the same error message with the aroundPromoter function. Any progress? Has anyone been successful in contacting the researchers maintaining this package? Thank you!