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Last seen 6.5 years ago
Following the cytofWorkflow2 tutorial I encountered a few bugs:
1. The url argument in
download.file(paste0(url, "/", fcs_filename), destfile = fcs_filename, mode = "wb")
is not specified.
url <- "http://imlspenticton.uzh.ch/robinson_lab/cytofWorkflow"
2. The naming of the downloaded files is not the same as defined in the PBMC_md table from Catalyst package. Therefore the following line is creating the next error:
fcs_raw <- read.flowSet(md$file_name, transformation = FALSE, truncate_max_range = FALSE)
3. The arguments for constructing a daFrame are in a different order then in the CATALYST documentation:
# Construct daFrame daFrame(fcs_raw, md, panel)# construct daFrame CATALYST documentation
(daF <- daFrame(PBMC_fs, PBMC_panel, PBMC_md))
4. The number of rows panel$fcs_colname and colnames(fcs_raw) is different and I get the next error when trying to
# Construct daFrame daFrame(fcs_raw, md, panel)
Kind regards,
Dear Oliver,
The RMD file you found is an unfinished update to the cytofWorkflow and has not been committed to a BioC repo (it's just in a fork right now).
The official public cytofWorkflow is still at:
And, there is a description of what CATALYST offers at:
But, indeed, we plan to have an update connecting the two.
Best, Mark