Hi all,
I'm experiencing some issues getting my peaks, reads, and metadata into ChIPQC object format. The function seems to choke when compiling the annotation (mm10). My sample sheet contains information about 3 samples and the peak files are in narrowPeak format (from MACS2). I've copied my commands and the error below. This works fine when I don't specify an annotation. It throws the same error when I try mm9 and hg19.
> samples = read.csv(file="ATAC_TEST_sampleSheet_local.csv", header=TRUE)> exp = ChIPQC(samples, annotation = "mm10", chromosomes=NULL) BL6-nkd BL6 2018-05-16 3 narrow P0-1-5 P0 2017-05-17 2 narrow P0-1-2 P0 2018-03-26 1 narrow Compiling annotation... Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited method for function ‘getListElement’ for signature ‘"GRanges"’
> traceback() 22: stop(gettextf("unable to find an inherited method for function %s for signature %s", sQuote(fdef@generic), sQuote(cnames)), domain = NA) 21: (function (classes, fdef, mtable) { methods <- .findInheritedMethods(classes, fdef, mtable) if (length(methods) == 1L) return(methods[[1L]]) else if (length(methods) == 0L) { cnames <- paste0("\"", vapply(classes, as.character, ""), "\"", collapse = ", ") stop(gettextf("unable to find an inherited method for function %s for signature %s", sQuote(fdef@generic), sQuote(cnames)), domain = NA) } else stop("Internal error in finding inherited methods; didn't return a unique method", domain = NA) })(list("GRanges"), new("standardGeneric", .Data = function (x, i, exact = TRUE) standardGeneric("getListElement"), generic = "getListElement", package = "S4Vectors", group = list(), valueClass = character(0), signature = "x", default = NULL, skeleton = (function (x, i, exact = TRUE) stop("invalid call in method dispatch to 'getListElement' (no default method)", domain = NA))(x, i, exact)), <environment>) 20: getListElement(x, i, ...) 19: X[[i]] 18: X[[i]] 17: FUN(X[[i]], ...) 16: FUN(X[[i]], ...) 15: lapply(ii, function(i) FUN(X[[i]], ...)) 14: lapply(ii, function(i) FUN(X[[i]], ...)) 13: lapply(x, identity) 12: lapply(x, identity) 11: .local(x, ...) 10: as.list(x) 9: as.list(x) 8: unname(as.list(x)) 7: unlist(x, recursive, use.names) 6: unlist(x, recursive, use.names) 5: unlist(transcripts(txdb)) 4: unique(unlist(transcripts(txdb))) 3: reduce(unique(unlist(transcripts(txdb)))) 2: getAnnotation(annotation, AllChr = chromosomes) 1: ChIPQC(samples, annotation = "mm10", chromosomes = NULL)
Has anyone seen this behavior before? Any troubleshooting suggestions would be much appreciated.
I've tried running with the package's example data using exactly the same commands as the vignette, but even that isn't working (although it looks like for a different reason).
> ex_samples = read.csv(file.path(system.file("extdata", package="ChIPQC"),
+ "example_QCexperiment.csv"))
> ex_samples
SampleID Tissue Factor Replicate bamReads Peaks
1 CTCF_1 A549 CTCF 1 reads/SRR568129.bam peaks/SRR568129_chr22_peaks.bed
2 CTCF_2 A549 CTCF 2 reads/SRR568130.bam peaks/SRR568130_chr22_peaks.bed
3 cMYC_1 A549 cMYC 1 reads/SRR568131.bam peaks/SRR568131_chr22_peaks.bed
4 cMYC_2 A549 cMYC 2 reads/SRR568132.bam peaks/SRR568132_chr22_peaks.bed
5 E2F1_1 HeLa-S3 E2F1 1 reads/SRR502355.bam peaks/SRR502355_chr22_peaks.bed
6 E2F1_2 HeLa-S3 E2F1 2 reads/SRR502356.bam peaks/SRR502356_chr22_peaks.bed
> exampleExp = ChIPQC(ex_samples, annotation ="hg19")
CTCF_1 A549 CTCF 1 bed
Error in if file.info(peaks)$size > 0) { :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
All packages are up-to-date.
> BiocInstaller::biocValid()
[1] TRUE
> sessionInfo() R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit) Running under: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 Matrix products: default BLAS: /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libBLAS.dylib LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib locale: [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 attached base packages: [1] stats4 parallel stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base other attached packages: [1] ChIPQC_1.16.0 DiffBind_2.8.0 [3] SummarizedExperiment_1.10.1 DelayedArray_0.6.6 [5] BiocParallel_1.14.2 matrixStats_0.54.0 [7] ggplot2_3.0.0 TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.knownGene_3.4.0 [9] GenomicFeatures_1.32.2 AnnotationDbi_1.42.1 [11] Biobase_2.40.0 GenomicRanges_1.32.6 [13] GenomeInfoDb_1.16.0 IRanges_2.14.11 [15] S4Vectors_0.18.3 BiocGenerics_0.26.0
Hi Thomas,
Please note that GRanges objects were never intended to support
. However it used to be thatunlist()
would work on them, just by chance, and be a no-op. Not sure why your code callsunlist()
on a GRanges object or what you expected it to do. What has changed in BioC 3.7 is that now callingunlist()
on a GRanges object is an error.I just committed a change to GenomicRanges to make the error message a little bit less obscure:
This is in GenomicRanges 1.32.7 (release) and 1.33.14 (devel).
hi Herve,
Thank you for editing the error message.
I am having the same issue. Thanks for working on that!
I am looking forward to run the update.
Hi Tom,
I am wondering if this issue has been solved. I'm currently using ChIPQC_1.18.2 and I also have the same error message. Error in getListElement(x, i, ...) : GRanges objects don't support [[, as.list(), lapply(), or unlist() at the moment
Thank you so much.