I have a comparison between two groups of samples that after an initial DE analysis, show a ton of differentially expressed genes. After checking with Quantro, I observe that the distribution of gene expression is too different so, according to Quantro conclusions, general adjustment methods (like quantile, Variance-stabilizing transformation, etc) should not be used.
I in this situation, I wonder if using DESeq2 is correct and possible (using default configuration) or if it's better to adjust it somehow. According to DESeq2 and DESeq papers, the size factors calculation with the median of ratios solves the problem of having "a few highly and differentially expressed genes that may have strong influence on the total read count" but what happens when the overall distribution of expression for the two groups is so different. Should the size factors be adjusted by other methods?
Thank you very much in advance.
Thanks Mike! Yes, DESeq2 also makes assumptions that might not be appropriate if you have global differences in the distributions of data. As Mike suggested, do you have spike-ins?