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Wolfgang Huber
Last seen 19 days ago
EMBL European Molecular Biology Laborat…
Hi Wenqiong,
since you seem to use the package "makecdfenv" from the "Developmental
Packages" section, please also use a recent version of "Biobase" from
there. The function "createPackage" is in there.
For the use of the make.cdf.env function, please see the vignette. You
need to make sure that the returned data from this function is stored
by R
in a place where the affy library can find it (namely, in an
of the name XXXXXcdf.
Best regards
Wolfgang Huber
Division of Molecular Genome Analysis
German Cancer Research Center
Heidelberg, Germany
On Fri, 28 Mar 2003, Rafael A. Irizarry wrote:
> i havent had time to look at the new makecdfenv. *if* you answer her
> you cc me?
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 12:10:49 -0800
> From: Wenqiong Chen <jchen@diversa.com>
> To: bioconductor@stat.math.ethz.ch
> Subject: [BioC] make CDF env
> Hi, I am a new user of BioConductor, and am currently working on
Affy data
> analysis. I am trying to set up my own CDF package using the
> package. Here are the problems:
> -> Assuming that I have loaded the "makecdfenv" library, and stored
> .CDF file in my current working directory, however, every time when
I ran
> "R>make.cdf.package(my.CDF file), the error message I got was "the
> creatPackage could not be found", disregarding what platform I used
to run
> R, either unix or windows version.
> -> On the other hand, I was able to run R>make.cdf.env(my.CDF file)
> simply creat the CDF environment. However, when I proceed to further
> analysis such as those functions in "affy" library, the error
message I got
> was "Error in .local(object, ...) : Information about probe
locations for
> XXXXXXXX could not be found. Try downloading the XXXXXXXX package
> http://www.bioconductor.org/data/cdfenvs/cdfenvs.html". So it
appeared that
> by just creating the environment is not enough and I still need the
> package.
> My questions are the follows:
> 1) what is the function called "creatPackage"? Is this function
supposed to
> be built inside the "makecdfenv" package? If not, how should I check
or look
> for this function?
> 2) Is there anything else I should do to, in addition to just
creating the
> environment, to make the CDF environment work?
> Thanks you very much for your help!
> joan
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