I am analyzing the TCGA data and doing the differential expression analysis for about 6,000 samples and 20,000 coding genes.
I was suggested to use DESeq2 for DE analysis, but the DESeq() takes an extremely long time with 6,000 samples, therefore I would like to use the limma-voom instead. In the tximport vignette, the scaled counts generated from abundance ("scaledTPM" or "lengthScaledTPM") are recommended to be used in limma-voom. However, I only have the tximport object generated from Salmon and its countsFromAbundance = "no". Thus in this case txi$abundance and txi$counts are the gene-level summarized TPM table and count table from the original Salmon .sf files.
My question is, can I use the gene-level TPM or count table to get counts from abundance? I have no access to the fastq files, and TPM can't be converted into CPM. Or any suggestions for other tools? Thanks!
I've exported this function in the devel branch, in case others get stuck in this position, but the recommended way to generate them (for other users) would be with tximport(). This is safer, as tximport() knows exactly what it's dealing with in terms of each matrix.