Dear all,
I am currently trying to run a script for image segmentation using EBImage. The script I used was tested on two different platform, either a local workstation running Ubuntu or on a cluster running CentOS version 7.
Everything runs fine on the workstation but on the cluster I keep getting this error:
Error in slot(nucMask, ".Data") : could not find function "slot"
Calls: ImageProcessing -> [ -> [ -> eval.parent -> eval -> eval
Execution halted
As far as I can assess all the dependencies for this script are installed and I can load both libraries required for the job.
Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
Many thanks in advance,
Here is the code I used:
How exactly do you run your script on the cluster, do you call it in a different way than locally?
The script is called from a .sh script that can be found here: