Hi All,
Could you please let me know how to get rsnumbers using using IntronVariants()?
intron_regions <- IntronVariants() head(locateVariants(vcf_mod, enstxdb, intron_regions)) 'select()' returned many:1 mapping between keys and columns GRanges object with 6 ranges and 9 metadata columns: seqnames ranges strand | LOCATION LOCSTART LOCEND QUERYID TXID CDSID GENEID PRECEDEID <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <factor> <integer> <integer> <integer> <character> <IntegerList> <character> <CharacterList> [1] chr19 572764 + | intron 63 63 82 1 <NA> BSG <NA> [2] chr19 572770 + | intron 69 69 83 1 <NA> BSG <NA> [3] chr19 572786 + | intron 85 85 84 1 <NA> BSG <NA>Best,
I would expect the rsnumbers to appear as rownames in this output. I can provide details of my input to locateVariants if it would help. The rsnumbers ARE in the vcf.
If the rsnumbers are in 'vcf_mod' you can map back to them with the QUERYID column in the output of
.I ended up doing an ugly cludge... I read in the small, selected vcf as a data.frame and mapped its rs numbers to the names of the small GRranges object via genome start coordinate of the variant. I realize that this could lead to errors if more than one rs number has the same start. When I get a chance, I will fix my script to use the correct method you have provided! Thank you, Jon