I am trying to use lohSpec to visualize loss of heterozygosity regions. Please find the attached code and the errors.
lohspec1a <- read.delim("C:/Users/pdharia/Desktop/GWASTools/Cluster/lohspec1a.raw")
lohSpec(lohspec1, path = NULL, fileExt = NULL, y = NULL, genome = "hg19", gender = gender, step = 1e+06, window_size = 2500000, normal = 0.5, colourScheme = "inferno", plotLayer = NULL, method = "slide", out = "plot")
Error in lohSpec_qual(x, y, genome) :
Did not detect required column names in x, required columns are: chromosome position n_vaf t_vaf sample
My lohspec file has the following columns: chromosome position b_vaf t_vaf and sample. It is sorted by chromosome, position, and sample.
I also tried writing the path instead of downloading the file in R, the code and error is as follows:
lohSpec(x= "C:/Users/pdharia/Desktop/GWASTools/Cluster/lohspec1a.txt", path = NULL, fileExt = NULL, y = NULL, genome = "hg19", gender = NULL, step = 1e+06, window_size = 2500000, normal = 0.5, colourScheme = "inferno", plotLayer = NULL, method = "slide", out = "plot")
Error: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
Thank you for your help in advance!
From your presentation of the error message, it seems the function is expecting a column 'n_vaf' but your data has a column 'b_vaf'