We analyse our data with FlowJo but I am looking to import the workspaces into R to generate graphs and reports for a database. I use the flowworkspace package to do this and have had great success through the vignettes with population statistics but I would also like to graph MFIs. When I look at the intensities they are transformed (Transformer: flowJo_biexp).
- Should I try to invert this transformation? If so, how?
- Or is the raw data for the compensated parameters available? If so, how do I get to it?
Many thanks,
The pop.quantiles type works, (also with inverse.transform = TRUE) but for some reason the pop.MFI type returns a null data.table (0 rows and 0 cols). Do you know why this might be?
The built-in versoin ofo 'pop.MFI' only computes the channels with non-NA stains (or desc column in your flowFrame). To remove that restriction, you can simply provide your own version of 'pop.MFI' by deleting that line of code
Thanks a lot for the explanation. All greatly appreciated