For some reason I cannot run calcAverage when using Bioconductor in RStudio. I am getting an error that outputs with a traceback like this like this:
Error in sizeFactorNames(object) : could not find function "sizeFactorNames"
2) .replace_size_factors(object, use_size_factors)
1) calcAverage(sce, use_size_factors = FALSE)
I dont think that sizeFactorNames came with SingleCellExperiment because it doesn't show up when I use "ls" or "lsf.str" to look at the functions in the SingleCellExperiment package. I also cant seem to find the clearSizeFactors method when I do the same thing. I am running SCE version 1.3.2 ( I tried 1.2.0 as well), and am on Bioconductor 3.6 (for some reason I couldn't update to 3.7 using biocLite()). I have scran and scater (v 1.9.4 and 1.8.0 respectively).