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Dear Nataliya,
> Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2005 01:09:48 +0100
> From: Nataliya Yeremenko <eremenko at="" science.uva.nl="">
> Subject: [BioC] Design question in LIMMA
> To: Bioconductor List <bioconductor at="" stat.math.ethz.ch="">
> Hello
> This is a long letter about my efforts of analysis of data in Limma.
> I have a question about the proper design of my experiment
> I have 3 groups to compare: A, O, and Y.
> With 5 A, 8 O, and 7 Y biological samples.
> I've performed in total 28 two-color microarrays (Agilent 44K)
> with a mixed number of dye-swaps.
> My targets file is:
> HybID fileName sampleID Cy3 Cy5
> 1 124879.txt YvsO Y1 O1
> 2 124880.txt OvsY O1 Y1
> 3 124919.txt YvsO Y2 O2
> 4 124972.txt OvsY O2 Y2
> 5 124984.txt YvsO Y3 O3
> 6 124957.txt OvsY O3 Y3
> 7 130365.txt YvsO Y4 O4
> 8 130366.txt OvsY O4 Y4
> 9 130372.txt YvsO Y5 O5
> 10 130374.txt OvsY O5 Y5
> 11 124881.txt AvsO A1 O1
> 12 124882.txt OvsA O1 A1
> 13 124982.txt AvsO A2 O2
> 14 124983.txt OvsA O2 A2
> 15 130351.txt AvsO A2 O2
> 16 124985.txt AvsO A3 O3
> 17 124958.txt OvsA O3 A3
> 18 130352.txt AvsO A3 O3
> 21 130355.txt AvsO A4 O4
> 22 130361.txt OvsA O4 A4
> 23 130362.txt AvsO A5 O5
> 24 130363.txt OvsA O5 A5
> 19 130353.txt AvsO A6 O6
> 20 130354.txt OvsA O6 A6
> 25 130375.txt AvsO A7 O7
> 26 130376.txt OvsA O8 A7
> 27 130377.txt AvsO A7 O6
> 28 130396.txt OvsA O6 A7
> After import of the data, normalization within and between arrays
> evaluation of diagnostic plots, the question about fitting linear
> arised.
> I didn't succeed to create proper direct design for all 3 groups.
> However for separate Y vs O, and A vs O it works Ok
> with the design of type:
> design <- cbind(Y1vsO1 = c(-1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),
> Y2vsO2 = c(0,0,-1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0),
> Y3vsO3 = c(0,0,0,0,-1,1,0,0,0,0),
> Y4vsO4 = c(0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,1,0,0),
> Y5vsO5 = c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,1))
> But here I think I loose info about O6, O7 and O8 which are extra
> biological replicates.
> The same is valid for A vs O and I had to exclude last three hybs.
> What is your advise in that case?
> I have also tried to split all data into separate channels,
> so producing 56 single-channel data sets.
> (The reason for that was that I have even and odd number of
> for my groups mixed in hybridizations)
> >targets2 <- targetsA2C(targets)
> >u <- unique(targets2$Target)
> >f <- factor(targets2$Target, levels=u)
> >design <- model.matrix(~0+f)
> >colnames(design) <- u
> It works not bad until
> >corfit <- intraspotCorrelation(MA, design)
> It took a lot of time and generated 43 warnings: "exceed amount of
> iterations ...."
A number of warnings like this are not a problem. BTW, please don't
put text in quotes unless it
really is an exact quotation. I would never word a warning message in
that way.
> fit <- lmscFit(MA, design, correlation=corfit$consensus)
> Than a BIG question appeared: "What is the contrasts matrix is in my
> cont.matrix <-
> makeContrasts("(A1+A2+A3+...)/7-(O1+O2+O3+...)/8",levels=design)
> fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, cont.matrix)
> fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
> topTable(fit2, adjust="BH", number=30, resort.by"M")
> Is it correct for A vs O comparison?
> I've got the table finally...
> And needles to say top 10 is different from my direct design A vs O
> above)
This seems about the best you can do with this experiment in limma.
This experiment has a complex design and you should probably consult a
local statistician on it,
say Prof van Houwelingen or Dr te Meerman.
Best wishes
> Regards
> Nataliya
> --
> Dr. Nataliya Yeremenko
> Universiteit van Amsterdam
> Faculty of Science
> IBED/AMB (Aquatische Microbiologie)
> Nieuwe Achtergracht 127
> NL-1018WS Amsterdam
> the Netherlands
> tel. + 31 20 5257089
> fax + 31 20 5257064