I have trying to perform DEseq2 analysis on my data. Some samples are sequenced in single end mode and some are in paired end mode. I would like to include this in the design when creating DESeq2 object.
Here is the example of `coldata` and what I was doing
sample subgroup type s1 G1 SE s2 G1 SE s3 G2 SE s4 G2 SE s5 G3 PE S6 G3 PE
For creating DESeq2 object
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = cts, colData = coldata, design = ~ subgroup+type)
I'm getting the error related to 'Model matrix not full rank'. But the same design is working with the example data given in DESeq2 vignette. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.