In the Dx.R output file, for a sample I'm looking at, the column "somatic_ontarget" is 0 in 119 entries and 1 in 2 entries. What is this column? It sounds like it should be a count of number of somatic variants that were found to lie within the Dx.R target areas?
Thanks, very helpful.
I didn't find Table 5 because I was searching for "somatic_ontarget" instead of "somatic.ontarget", because I had changed the dots to underscores in headers when I aggregated the files across all my samples (I hate dots in column names, but it was probably a bad thing to do).
The "somatic.all" column is the same, almost all 0. The variants.csv file column prior_somatic has only 198 variants (across about 130 samples) > 0.1. As far as I can tell, my VCF files properly annotate somatic variants. They have the INFO/SOMATIC flag. Some somatic variants are also flagged DB, if they are in the gnomAD database.
I found that the INFO field had ".;SOMATIC" instead of just "SOMATIC". I fixed that problem, but it made no difference.
I don't see anything in the log output that would make me think PureCN had encountered a problem with somatic variants.
Is there a place in the code you could point me to that I can look for what is going on?