I would like to compare two groups (cell populations), from two different RNAseq experiments (sets). However, there are no overlapping groups in both experiments available, so an analysis in limma with batch effect (block design) is not possible. Let's say I have populations a, b, and c in experiment 1, and d, and e in experiment 2, and I would like to compare a with d.
Is there another way to compare the two populations in a sound manner? Or is it only possible to make a heatmap? And compare average cpm values?
Thanks, I understand that. Just to be clear the experiments were both independent, with good design. But an additional question arose how a group in experiment 1 is compared to another group in a previous experiment. I mean what is the use of GEO data in this case?
You can't use GEO data like that. You can do meta-analyses, but that involves comparisons of log-fold changes within batches.