Hi all,
I was just wondering if somebody could help me regarding normalized count after DESeq.
I carry out a DESeq on a time course experiment in order to then make a count matrix of significantly expressed genes to look for patterns in gene expression across different samples. However, I have noticed that the count matrix I am making post DESeq on significantly expressed genes are actually exactly the same as the initial raw counts table from which DESeq is working, so of course, am concerned the counts cannot be used as they have not been normalized.
The code I am using is as follows.
dds<-DESeq(dds reduced = ~Organ, test = "LRT")
and then:
sig_res <- subset(res, padj < padj.cutoff)
sigLRT_genes<- rownames(sig_res)
length(sig_res)... 2015 genes
orderedres <- sig_res[order(sig_res$padj), ]
clustering_sig_genes <- data.frame(orderedres[1:2015,])
cluster_rlog <- rldres[rownames(clustering_sig_genes),]
cluster_rlog... Count matrix
But the count matrix of cluster_rlog is identical to raw counts matrix. I therefore do not think that further downstream analysis is reliable. Am I do something wrong?
Any help would be much appreciated! Many thanks!
Hi Michael,
Many thanks for your reply! Yes I was aware of this, however, this would still mean that, although a significant gene list is identified, as normalized counts are not stored, I wouldn't be able to use the raw count matrix to see for example, how genes change over time as this would not give a reliable representation of change since they are the raw counts?
I modified the code by doing:
counts(dds, normalized=TRUE).. and then subsetted from this, the genes that are significantly expressed in order to look for trends in gene expression across time for mutliple genes...
I am guessing plotCounts does something similar to this?
Many thanks for your quick reply as always!!
Yes plotCounts does this, see ?plotCounts or look at the y axis label in the vignette: