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Last seen 6.5 years ago
I am using Ballgown as apart of the tuxedo suite for DEG, and I get this warning message while reading the ballgown object,
> pheno_data01<-read.csv("/fast/a123456/Analysis02/DGE/prr01/prr01.csv") > bg<-ballgown(dataDir="/fast/123456/Analysis02/DGE/prr01", pData=pheno_data01, samplePattern="B") Sun Apr 8 10:15:20 2018 Sun Apr 8 10:15:20 2018: Reading linking tables Sun Apr 8 10:15:22 2018: Reading intron data files Sun Apr 8 10:15:30 2018: Merging intron data Error in ballgown(dataDir = "/fast/123456/Analysis02/DGE/prr01", : intron ids were either not the same or not in the same order across samples. double check i_data.ctab for each sample. In addition: Warning messages: 1: In x$i_id != intronAll[[1]]$i_id : longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length 2: In x$i_id != intronAll[[1]]$i_id : longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length 3: In x$i_id != intronAll[[1]]$i_id : longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length 4: In x$i_id != intronAll[[1]]$i_id : longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length 5: In x$i_id != intronAll[[1]]$i_id : longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length 6: In x$i_id != intronAll[[1]]$i_id : longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
The pheno_data01 in csv file is as follows:
ids,treatment,genotype B1C_01,control,resistant B1C_02,control,resistant B1C_03,control,resistant B1C_04,control,resistant B2C_01,control,susceptible B2C_02,control,susceptible B2C_03,control,susceptible B2C_04,control,susceptible
please advise me on how I fix this error.
Thanks in advance
I checked the i_data.ctab files and found that the ids are different. So, is there anything I can do to fix it?
I too am facing similar issue where I am trying to load control and sample together to extract the differentially expressed genes in ballgown but I get same error as the iid is different for controls and samples in idata.ctab. Any help on this please?