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Nataliya Yeremenko
Last seen 10.4 years ago
I need help on loading data to LIMMA
I'm working with 44K Agilent microarrays.
I'm novice in BioConductor, so I'm trying to follow instructions on
to deal with my data.
I'm trying to load Feature Extraction raw data with
> RG <- read.maimages(files = targets$fileName, path = loadPath,
= "agilent")
and data seems to be loaded fine, where targets is experiment
description file.
It is loading all my 20 replicates,
but when I checked RG data set with dim(RG) or show(RG)
I realized that only 6195 rows have been loaded.
It is the same situation independent on how many arrays I'm loading 1
or 28.
Is there limit for number of spots in the package?
I've tried to start as well with arrayMagic package
and again didn't succeed to load even single array,
After 10 min of loading I see error message stating
that line 17000 has not proper amount of arguments.
Thank you in advance for any suggestion
Dr. Nataliya Yeremenko
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Faculty of Science
IBED/AMB (Aquatische Microbiologie)
Nieuwe Achtergracht 127
NL-1018WS Amsterdam
the Netherlands