I am interested in investigating clustering of samples using heatmap.2 in this paper “BioC2014: RNA-Seq workflow for differential gene expression”. However, I find it difficult to explain the Row Z-Score from the link https://imgur.com/a/6oHgv ? Does it represent expression level ? Thanks for your help
Row Z-Score is a scaling method for visualization in heat maps that helps enhance clusters of genes with similar trends in expression between samples.
Z-Score is calculated by:
(Gene expression value in sample of interest) - (Mean expression across all samples) / Standard Deviation
In the heat map you show, genes with dark red are upregulated and blue downregulated. However, since the rows are Z-Score scaled, you only have information about the a single genes varying expression across the samples. Comparing the color between two separate genes cannot tell you if Gene A is more highly expressed than Gene B, however heat maps are usually not used for this purpose and instead are meant to highlight differences between samples.
Thank you Casey
No problem, it was kinda cool to realize I actually knew something for once :D!