Dear Matthew (or anyone that can help me),
I am trying to create my own vectors using frmaTools. Therefore I am also using a custom cdf enviroment. But somehow I receive error's trying to create the vector. I'm sure that I use the "cdfname" the wrong way but can't find any examples on how to use it probarly.
I used it this way:
newVecs <- makeVectorsAffyBatch(files = CelFilenames, = rep(1:200, each = 5) ,cdfname = "hgu133plus2sharedprobescdf", verbose = TRUE)`
The hgu133plus2sharedprobescdf is an enviorement, that works if I use it for the function :
readAffy( "file.CEL" ,cdfname= "hgu133plus2sharedprobescdf")
I receive the following error:
Error in packageVersion(cdfname) :
package 'hgu133plus2sharedprobescdf' not found
Calls: makeVectorsAffyBatch -> packageVersion
Execution halted
Some how it can't find the package I load in, or I am using it the wrong way.
I hope that someone can help me out with this.
Thanks in advance!
I see.what would you suggest me to do in order the fix this, because I would like the use this cdf since it has the probes I'm interested in. Is there a way to convert it in to a package so that `makeVectorsAffyBatch` can accept it or is there another way to do this.
Thanks in advance!
You would create an R package in the standard way. See for example:
Hadley Wickham's book:
And the BioC package guidelines:
Also any of the current frmavecs packages can serve as a useful template.