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Last seen 6.8 years ago
>Where am I going wrong?! I am trying to create topGO object by custom annotations, But am facing difficulty again and again.
> GOdata <- new("topGOdata", ontology = "BP", allGenes = P_values, geneSelectionFun = topDiffGenes, description = "Simple session", annot = annFUN.gene2GO(whichOnto = "BP", feasibleGenes = NULL, gene2GO), gene2GO = gene2GO) Building most specific GOs ..... Error in annotationFun(ontology, .Object@allGenes, ...) : could not find function "annotationFun"
>If anyone could give some useful solution on urgent basis, would be highly appreciated.
Thank you.
Could you post your session info? Did you look at the manual page from page 8 and on?