Question #1:
I tried to look the documentation for interaction.But, Unable to understand difference between groups and interaction.So difference between following codes, Is it basically same, different ways of doing it?
dds$group <- factor(paste0(dds$race, dds$sampletype))
design(dds) <- ~ group
design(dds) <- ~ genotype + condition + genotype:condition
Question #2:
I have this coldata, miRNA expression for ( sampletype(normal and cancer), ER status, her2 status). I want to get one table of results for ER status (positive vs negative ) compared to sampletype and another table by Her2 status compared to sample type.
So my question here is, do I have to have dds twice? of I can produce one dds and then compare later?
basically i have three variables, all examples are based on two.
It’s hard to follow your description. Can you post example colData?
> head(coldata)
sampletype race androgen_receptor_statu
TCGA.3C.AAAU.01A.11R.A41G.13 Primary Tumor white positive
TCGA.3C.AALI.01A.11R.A41G.13 Primary Tumor black or african american negative
TCGA.3C.AALJ.01A.31R.A41G.13 Primary Tumor black or african american positive
TCGA.3C.AALK.01A.11R.A41G.13 Primary Tumor black or african american positive
TCGA.4H.AAAK.01A.12R.A41G.13 Primary Tumor white positive
TCGA.5L.AAT0.01A.12R.A41G.13 Primary Tumor white positive
estrogen_receptor_status progesterone_receptor_status
TCGA.3C.AAAU.01A.11R.A41G.13 positive positive
TCGA.3C.AALI.01A.11R.A41G.13 positive positive
TCGA.3C.AALJ.01A.31R.A41G.13 positive positive
TCGA.3C.AALK.01A.11R.A41G.13 positive positive
TCGA.4H.AAAK.01A.12R.A41G.13 positive positive
TCGA.5L.AAT0.01A.12R.A41G.13 positive positive
her2_neu_immunohistochemistry_receptor_status TNBCstatus
TCGA.3C.AAAU.01A.11R.A41G.13 negative
TCGA.3C.AALI.01A.11R.A41G.13 positive
TCGA.3C.AALJ.01A.31R.A41G.13 indeterminate
TCGA.3C.AALK.01A.11R.A41G.13 positive
TCGA.4H.AAAK.01A.12R.A41G.13 equivocal
TCGA.5L.AAT0.01A.12R.A41G.13 negative
Here is my Coldata, I am trying to verify what I am doing is correct?