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I am trying to use GSVA to calculate an enrichment score for a single sample. I thought the ssgsea method implemented in GSVA can perm such a calculation. Do I have this wrong? My searches have returned empty handed. I am pasting an example code below I used to test the concept (modifed from the help page).
## consider three disjoint gene sets geneSets <- list(set1=paste("g", 1:3, sep=""), set2=paste("g", 4:6, sep=""), set3=paste("g", 7:10, sep="")) y1 <- as.matrix(runif( n = 10, min = 5.3, max = 15),ncol =1) colnames(y1) <- c("s1") row.names(y1) <- paste("g", 1:10, sep="") gsva(y1, geneSets, method == "ssgsea", ssgsea.norm = FALSE, mx.diff = FALSE, kernel = F)
Any help would be appreciated.