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Last seen 7.0 years ago
Hi, I want to extract the enriched genes from the significative GO terms with the printGenes function.
goID <- "GO:0005730" gt <- printGenes(GOdata, whichTerms = goID, chip = "org.At.tair.db", numChar = 40)
But when I run the script I get the following error:
Error in data.frame(LL.id = as.integer(unlist(mget(all.genes, envir = LL.lib, : arguments imply differing number of rows: 255, 444
According to that node I have 243 of 255 genes annotated
I hope you can help me
Could you provide how did you create your GOdata? This way the example is reproducible and I can check how to solve it. Thanks
Thanks for your time, that's how I built my Godata
GOdata <- new ("topGOdata", ontology = "CC",
allGenes = all_pvlue , geneSel = topDiffGenes,
description = "Arabidopsis_Genes", nodeSize = 10,
annot = annFUN.org, mapping = "org.At.tair.db")
You don't pass a function to geneSel, do you?
Could you paste the output of
?Hi, im having exactly the same problem. did you manage to solve it ?