GenomicRanges: identify overlapping regions, get intersection between each overlapping pair and add gene coordinates (start, end, strand and ids)
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Last seen 6.7 years ago

I have a GRange object containing a list of genes. The genomic coordinate might be unique but the gene's id may repeat from a few to several times.

I would like to get a file containing all the overlapping genes, their intersection and information (start,end,strand and id) for each matching pair with ignore.strand=TRUE.

I almost got what I want but something is going wrong when I try to save the result:

> ovlp[1:30,]
   chr  start    end strand           id
1    1  11873  14409      +      DDX11L1
2    1  14361  29961      -       WASH7P
3    1  34610  36081      -      FAM138F
4    1  69090  70008      +        OR4F5
5    1 134772 140566      -    LOC729737
6    1 321083 321115      +     DQ597235
7    1 321145 321207      +     DQ599768
8    1 322036 326938      + LOC100133331
9    1 327545 328439      +    LOC388312
10   1 323891 328581      + LOC100132062
11   1 367658 368597      +       OR4F29
12   1 420205 421839      +     BC036251
13   1 566092 566115      -     JA429830
14   1 566134 566155      -     JA429831
15   1 566239 566263      -     JB137814
16   1 568843 568913      +       M37726
17   1 621095 622034      -       OR4F29
18   1 661138 665731      - LOC100133331
19   1 668417 668479      -     DQ575786
20   1 668509 668541      -     DQ599872
21   1 661138 670994      - LOC100133331
22   1 671823 671885      -     DQ575786
23   1 671915 671947      -     DQ599872
24   1 661138 679736      - LOC100133331
25   1 674239 679736      -     AK310751
26   1 700244 714068      - LOC100288069
27   1 761585 762902      -    LINC00115
28   1 762970 794826      +    LOC643837
29   1 803450 812182      -       FAM41C
30   1 846814 850328      +     AK056486

ovlp <- ovlp[,c(1,6,7,3,4)]
colnames(ovlp) <- c('chr','start','end','strand','id')
ovlp$gene <- ovlp$id
ovlp$spos <- ovlp$start
ovlp$epos <- ovlp$end
ovlp$str <- ovlp$strand

gr <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(ovlp, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
d <- disjoin(gr,with.revmap=TRUE,ignore.strand=TRUE)
ovpairs <- findOverlapPairs(d,gr,ignore.strand=T)
pint <- pintersect(ovpairs,ignore.strand=T)

rvmp <- mcols(pint)$revmap
mcols(pint) <- DataFrame(mcols(pint),id=extractList(mcols(gr)$id,rvmp),
upint <- unique(pint)                                

> upint
GRanges object with 41310 ranges and 6 metadata columns:
          seqnames         ranges strand |        revmap       hit
             <Rle>      <IRanges>  <Rle> | <IntegerList> <logical>
      [1]        1 [11873, 14360]      * |             1      TRUE
      [2]        1 [14361, 14409]      * |           1,2      TRUE
      [3]        1 [14410, 29961]      * |             2      TRUE
      [4]        1 [34610, 36081]      * |             3      TRUE
      [5]        1 [69090, 70008]      * |             4      TRUE
      ...      ...            ...    ... .           ...       ...
  [41306]       26 [14699, 14855]      * |         15331      TRUE
  [41307]       26 [14856, 15888]      * |   15331,15340      TRUE
  [41308]       26 [15959, 15997]      * |         15341      TRUE
  [41309]       26 [15998, 16024]      * |   15341,15342      TRUE
  [41310]       26 [16025, 16571]      * |         15342      TRUE
                             id            sp            ep          str
                   <FactorList> <IntegerList> <IntegerList> <FactorList>
      [1]               DDX11L1         11873         14409            +
      [2]        DDX11L1,WASH7P   11873,14361   14409,29961          +,-
      [3]                WASH7P         14361         29961            -
      [4]               FAM138F         34610         36081            -
      [5]                 OR4F5         69090         70008            +
      ...                   ...           ...           ...          ...
  [41306]              JA760602          7586         15888            -
  [41307] JA760602,cytochrome.b    7586,14856   15888,15888          -,+
  [41308]              tRNA.Pro         15959         16024            -
  [41309]     tRNA.Pro,AF079515   15959,15998   16024,16571          -,+
  [41310]              AF079515         15998         16571            +
  seqinfo: 25 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

df <- data.frame(upint,stringsAsFactors=F)


So, my currently output file:

1;14361;14409;49;*;1:2;TRUE;c(6982, 27293);c(11873, 14361);c(14409, 29961);c(2, 1)
1;323891;326938;3048;*;c(8, 10);TRUE;c(14842, 14819);c(322036, 323891);c(326938, 328581);c(2, 2)
1;327545;328439;895;*;9:10;TRUE;c(15336, 14819);c(327545, 323891);c(328439, 328581);c(2, 2)

As you can see, the revmap, id, sp, ep and str columns contain c() notations. Besides, the ids were gone and so did the strand signals (+,-).

My desirable output is exactly the same information I am seeing in the upint (Grange Object).

Is there any other way to export or save a Grange Object?

Thank you!





genomicranges overlap intersect findoverlaps • 5.7k views
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> sessionInfo()
R version 3.4.2 (2017-09-28)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu precise (12.04.5 LTS)

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /home/cgrisbach/programme/R-3.4.2/lib64/R/lib/
LAPACK: /home/cgrisbach/programme/R-3.4.2/lib64/R/lib/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C

attached base packages:
[1] parallel  stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets
[8] methods   base

other attached packages:
[1] dplyr_0.7.4          GenomicRanges_1.30.1 GenomeInfoDb_1.14.0
[4] IRanges_2.12.0       S4Vectors_0.16.0     BiocGenerics_0.24.0

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_0.12.14           assertthat_0.2.0       bitops_1.0-6
 [4] R6_2.2.2               magrittr_1.5           pillar_1.0.1
 [7] rlang_0.1.6            zlibbioc_1.24.0        XVector_0.18.0
[10] bindrcpp_0.2           glue_1.2.0             RCurl_1.95-4.10
[13] compiler_3.4.2         pkgconfig_2.0.1        bindr_0.1
[16] tibble_1.4.1           GenomeInfoDbData_1.0.0

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Hi Michael,

I would like to save this data into a csv document in order to use as a reference file for further manipulations outside the R environment. But it would be also interesting to have this data as a .RData file.

My most wanted final output would be like this:

seqnames start end width id.1 sp.1 ep.1 str.1 id.2 sp.2 ep.2 str.2 id.3 sp.3 ep.3 str.3 
1 14361  14409    49 DDX11L1      11873  14409  + WASH7P       14361  29961   -  
1 323891 326938 3048 LOC100133331 322036 326938 + LOC100132062 323891 328581  +  
1 327545 328439  895 LOC388312    327545 328439 + LOC100132062 323891 328581  +  
1 661138 665731 4594 LOC100133331 661138 665731 - LOC100133331 661138 670994  - LOC100133331 661138 679736 -
1 665732 668416 2685 LOC100133331 661138 670994 - LOC100133331 661138 679736  -
1 668417 668479   63 DQ575786     668417 668479 - LOC100133331 661138 670994  - LOC100133331 661138 679736  -
1 668480 668508  29  LOC100133331 661138 670994 - LOC100133331 661138 679736  -
1 668509 668541  33  DQ599872     668509 668541 - LOC100133331 661138 670994  - LOC100133331 661138 679736  - 
1 668542 670994 2453 LOC100133331 661138 670994 - LOC100133331 661138 679736  -  

Which is basically the data from my upint object with some convenient modifications:

> upint[c(2,10,12,21,22,23,24,25,26,28,30,32)]

> upint[c(2,10,12,21,22)] #first 5 elements
GRanges object with 5 ranges and 4 metadata columns:
      seqnames           ranges strand |                                     id
         <Rle>        <IRanges>  <Rle> |                           <FactorList>
  [1]        1 [ 14361,  14409]      * |                         DDX11L1,WASH7P
  [2]        1 [323891, 326938]      * |              LOC100133331,LOC100132062
  [3]        1 [327545, 328439]      * |                 LOC388312,LOC100132062
  [4]        1 [661138, 665731]      * | LOC100133331,LOC100133331,LOC100133331
  [5]        1 [665732, 668416]      * |              LOC100133331,LOC100133331
                        sp                   ep          str
             <IntegerList>        <IntegerList> <FactorList>
  [1]          11873,14361          14409,29961          +,-
  [2]        322036,323891        326938,328581          +,+
  [3]        327545,323891        328439,328581          +,+
  [4] 661138,661138,661138 665731,670994,679736        -,-,-
  [5]        661138,661138        670994,679736          -,-
  seqinfo: 25 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

How could I get this data?

Many thanks!


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Unfortunately, I got an error message:

ovlp <- read.csv("",sep=",",header=T)
ovlp <- ovlp[,c(1,6,7,3,4)]
colnames(ovlp) <- c('chr','start','end','strand','id')
ovlp$gene <- ovlp$id
ovlp$spos <- ovlp$start 
ovlp$epos <- ovlp$end
ovlp$str <- ovlp$strand

gr <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(ovlp, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)

d <- disjoin(gr,with.revmap=TRUE,ignore.strand=TRUE)
ovpairs <- findOverlapPairs(d,gr,ignore.strand=T)
pint <- pintersect(ovpairs,ignore.strand=T)

rvmp <- mcols(pint)$revmap
urvmp <- unlist(rvmp)
mcols(pint) <- DataFrame(mcols(pint)[togroup(PartitioningByEnd(rvmp))],

Error: subscript contains out-of-bounds indices
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You'll need to provide a reproducible example.

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I’ve just used the ovlp data frame I posted above (question). You may copy and paste its content to a text editor and save as “”. My file was a csv, so I used read.csv. Let me know if this is enough  or tell me how could I provide a reproducible example.

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I updated my answer. Hopefully it gets you closer.

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Last seen 2.8 years ago
United States

This might get you closer, but it's still not clear what you want exactly:

ovlp <- read.table("ovlp.txt", header=TRUE)
## Note: no need for renaming nor reordering of columns
gr <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(ovlp, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
hits <- findOverlaps(gr, ignore.strand=TRUE,
                     drop.self=TRUE, drop.redundant=TRUE)
ovpairs <- Pairs(gr, gr, hits=hits)
pint <- pintersect(ovpairs, ignore.strand=TRUE)
mcols(pint) <- data.frame(first(ovpairs), second(ovpairs))


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This is exactly what I was looking for!

Thanks a lot!


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