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Last seen 7.3 years ago
I am using ExpressionFileCreator to creates a RES or GCT file from a set of Affymetrix CEL files. Then I get the following error that I cannot understantand:
Warning: unable to access index for repository http://brainarray.mbni.med.umich.edu/bioc/src/contrib Error in getCdfInfo(object) : Could not obtain CDF environment, problems encountered: Specified environment does not contain Clariom_S_Human Library - package clariomshumancdf not installed Bioconductor - clariomshumancdf not available Calls: parseCmdLine ... .local -> indexProbes -> indexProbes -> .local -> getCdfInfo Execution halted
I would appreciate any help in figuring out what this means and how to avoid the error.
Thank you
Which Bioconductor package are you using? Could you please provide your full code?
Expression File Creator is (also) a module of GenePattern from the Broad Institute, and this apparently is not compatible with the new generation of Affymetrix arrays: http://software.broadinstitute.org/cancer/software/genepattern/modules/docs/ExpressionFileCreator/12