Cannot retrieve projects from TCGA using getGDCprojects function
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jacorvar ▴ 40
Last seen 16 months ago
European Union



I've just started using TCGAbiolinks package and it seems there's a bug in the getGDCprojects function. I cannot retrieve the

projects from TCGA. When I type getGDCprojects(), I get:

Warning: 40 parsing failures.
row # A tibble: 5 x 5 col     row   col  expected     actual expected   <int> <chr>     <chr>      <chr> actual 1     1  <NA> 8 columns 71 columns file 2     2  <NA> 8 columns 71 columns row 3     3  <NA> 8 columns 71 columns col 4     4  <NA> 8 columns 71 columns expected 5     5  <NA> 8 columns 71 columns actual # ... with 1 more variables: file <chr>
... ................. ... .................................. ........ .................................. ...... .................................. .... .................................. ... .................................. ... .................................. ........ .................................. ...... .......................................
See problems(...) for more details.

# A tibble: 40 x 8
   disease_type.1                       disease_type.0 disease_type.3
            <chr>                                <chr>          <chr>
 1           <NA>                       Uveal Melanoma           <NA>
 2           <NA>               Stomach Adenocarcinoma           <NA>
 3           <NA>         Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma           <NA>
 4           <NA> Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma           <NA>
 5           <NA>                   Cholangiocarcinoma           <NA>
 6           <NA>    Ovarian Serous Cystadenocarcinoma           <NA>
 7           <NA>             Adrenocortical Carcinoma           <NA>
 8           <NA>                         Mesothelioma           <NA>
 9           <NA>               Acute Myeloid Leukemia           <NA>
10           <NA>             Brain Lower Grade Glioma           <NA>
# ... with 30 more rows, and 5 more variables: disease_type.2 <chr>,
#   disease_type.5 <chr>, disease_type.4 <chr>, disease_type.7 <chr>,
#   disease_type.6 <chr>
Warning messages:
1: Unnamed `col_types` should have the same length as `col_names`. Using smaller of the two.
2: In rbind(names(probs), probs_f) :
  number of columns of result is not a multiple of vector length (arg 1)
3: Unknown or uninitialised column: 'project_id'.

EDIT: I've found out getGDCprojects requires readr package to be loaded (it should be loaded automatically). Furthermore, the line containing:

projects <- read_tsv("",
            col_types = "cccccccc")

only works if the col_types argument is removed.


tcgabiolinks TCGA software error • 2.6k views
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Please, which version of the package are you using? I don't get that with the last version.

Could you please update it from the github: devtools::install_github('BioinformaticsFMRP/TCGAbiolinks')
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You can also use: `biocLite('BioinformaticsFMRP/TCGAbiolinks')`

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Last seen 27 days ago
United States

These are warnings and not errors. When using functionality from other packages (like read_tsv from readr), the best practice is NOT to load the package (ie., not to do library(readr)), but only to import the functionality. 

That said, the GDC recently changed the underlying data for projects that likely breaks most functionality for parsing the projects into a nice data.frame. Note the many columns that look like disease_type.x. This change is probably why removing the col_types removes some of the warnings.

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jacorvar ▴ 40
Last seen 16 months ago
European Union

That specific case does not prompt any errors, but the following does:

# import the read_tsv function from readr package

>backports::import("readr", "read_tsv")

#load TCGAbiolinks package

> library(TCGAbiolinks)

# lines 4-8 from listing 1 in

> query.met.gbm <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-GBM", legacy = TRUE, data.category = "DNA methylation", platform = "Illumina Human Methylation 450", barcode = c("TCGA-76-4926-01B-01D-1481-05", "TCGA-28-5211-01C-11D-1844-05"))

I am unable to use the GDCquery function without errors.

I guess this issue is directly related to the fact I'm unable to retrieve the projects when using getGDCprojects(), since the error I get comes from the checkProjectInput function, which calls getGDCprojects().

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The output of the GDCquery function is:

o GDCquery: Searching in GDC database

Genome of reference: hg19
Warning: 40 parsing failures.
row # A tibble: 5 x 5 col     row   col  expected     actual expected   <int> <chr>     <chr>      <chr> actual 1     1  <NA> 8 columns 71 columns file 2     2  <NA> 8 columns 71 columns row 3     3  <NA> 8 columns 71 columns col 4     4  <NA> 8 columns 71 columns expected 5     5  <NA> 8 columns 71 columns actual # ... with 1 more variables: file <chr>
... ................. ... .................................. ........ .................................. ...... .................................. .... .................................. ... .................................. ... .................................. ........ .................................. ...... .......................................
See problems(...) for more details.
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And also:

|disease_type.2              |disease_type.5                      |disease_type.4       |disease_type.6               |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
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And finally:

|Thymic Epithelial Neoplasms |Complex Mixed and Stromal Neoplasms |Basal Cell Neoplasms |Ductal and Lobular Neoplasms |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
|NA                          |NA                                  |NA                   |NA                           |
Error in checkProjectInput(project) :
  Please set a valid project argument from the column id above. Project TCGA-GBM was not found.
Además: Warning messages:
1: Unnamed `col_types` should have the same length as `col_names`. Using smaller of the two.
2: In rbind(names(probs), probs_f) :
  number of columns of result is not a multiple of vector length (arg 1)
3: Unknown or uninitialised column: 'project_id'.
4: Unknown or uninitialised column: 'project_id'.

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