Hi all,
I use featurecounts first to get the summary of the counts and the annotation, below are the codes:
annot.inbuilt="mm10", annot.ext=NULL, isGTFAnnotationFile=FALSE, GTF.featureType="exon", GTF.attrType="gene_id", chrAliases=NULL, useMetaFeatures=TRUE, strandSpecific=1, isPairedEnd=TRUE, requireBothEndsMapped=FALSE, checkFragLength=FALSE, minFragLength=0,maxFragLength=600, countChimericFragments=TRUE, autosort=TRUE,verbose=FALSE)
write.table(x=data.frame(test$annotation[,c("GeneID","Chr","Start","End","Strand","Length")],test$counts,stringsAsFactors=FALSE),file="/home/test-counts.txt", quote=FALSE, sep="\t", row.names = FALSE)
The results are like this:
For the "Chr", "Start","End","Strand" annotation there are serveral values for each gene. Are they the location of different exons of the same gene?
How can I get the location of the gene(for each geneid there is only one value in the "Chr", "Start","End","Strand") not the exons?
Thank you for your help!