Hello everybody,
I am using Gviz to generate snapshots of my RNA-seq experiment. I did the alignment of my bam against ensemble reference genome.
I am using the following script:
from <- 57290000
to <- 57400000
chr <- 'chr8'
gen <- 'mm10'
mut <- "mutant.bw"
wt <- "WT.bw"
mutant <- DataTrack(range = mut, genome = gen,chromosome = chr,type = "h", col="#ff0000", ylim=c(0, 1), name="Muatnt",col.sampleNames="black", background.title="white",col.axis="black", col.title="black")
wildtype <- DataTrack(range = wt, genome = gen,chromosome = chr,type = "h", col="#4e5b6e", ylim=c(0, 1), name="Wildtype", col.sampleNames="black", background.title="white",col.axis="black", col.title="black")
ensGenes <- UcscTrack(genome= gen, chromosome= chr,
track= "GENCODE VM11 (Ensembl 86)", from= from, to= to,
trackType= "GeneRegionTrack",rstarts= "exonStarts",
rends= "exonEnds", gene= "name",
symbol= "name2", transcript= "name", strand= "strand",
fill= "#960000", name= "Ensembl Genes")
axTrack <- GenomeAxisTrack(col="#000000", fontcolor="#000000")
idxTrack <- IdeogramTrack(genome= gen, chromosome=chr,
fontcolor= "#000000", outline=TRUE)
plotTracks(list(idxTrack, axTrack, ensGenes ,mutant, wildtype),from=from, to=to, showTitle=T, showId=T, fontsize = 18)
however, I am getting only the ensemble gene track and my bigwig track is empty.
any ideas how to solve this?
thanks much
You can either use gene model based on ensembl or simply replace the
in yourensGenes.
thanks Robert .. I did this but still not working .. tried on IGV it is working fine I could see my tracks... any further suggestion?
Obviously you will need to use the numerical chromosome name now also for plotting:
IGV is irrelevant, you are not changing your BAM file here. If you need more help, please copy past a few rows from your BAM file in order for us to see what it looks like.
BAM file is binary .. and it is really huge I can't load it to r .. however I shared here below the head of my wiggle file which I have generated from the bam files.
Have you also switched off UCSC chromosome naming convention?
Otherwise it is for me hard to help without seeing the data and complete code. Can you share it?
yes I did .. still not solved
this is the head of my wig file:
I also tried to generate my gene model using ensemble gif file:
but this error message popped up:
when I put ucscChromosomeNames=F I am still not able to see my track!!!!???
here is the head of my gtf file:
You need to set ucscChromosomeNames to FALSE. BTW. what is the meaning of "!!!!???" is this a command?