Hi All,
Is there a way to incorporate the consensus correlation calculated by duplicateCorrelation() into the gene set enrichment test performed by camera()? In short, I would like to treat one of my factors as a random effect via duplicateCorrelation() (this is what I did for differential expression testing). As far as I can tell, camera() is only aware of fixed effects. I don't have the option of treating my random effect as a fixed effect because I end up with a design matrix that is not of full rank. It seems like my only option is to run camera() using only fixed effects, and treat the results as overly-conservative.
Thanks in advance,
Can this now be addressed by using the recent pre-ranked cameraPR() function? i.e. run lmFit() with block and correlation, then eBayes() (or treat() if appropriate?) and use the t-statistics.
Yes, that's right (as long as you're happy with a preset value for the inter-gene correlation).
Thanks Gordon.