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Last seen 7.4 years ago
I am simply trying to read in a .ped file in my R script using the read.pedfile( ) function.
Here is my code:
require(snpStats) # SNP: DNA variation occuring commonly within a population # in a single nucleotide # STEPS # read in DNA sequence ped <- "smri-impute.ped" DNA_Sequence <- read.pedfile(ped) # Examine DNA variations at prespecified loci # Determine Major/Minor allel # Create chart # Print results
However, I get this error when I run my R script:
> DNA_Sequence <- read.pedfile(ped) Error in open.connection(con) : cannot open the connection In addition: Warning message: In open.connection(con) : cannot open compressed file 'smri-impute.ped', probable reason 'No such file or directory'
How can I fix this issue? Why is it giving me this error?