I am using the latest version of GOcluster on R2.1.1 for WinXP. When I
invoke display() I get a very nice heatmap but the very top
GO cluster annotation is off the top edge of the graph. Can I reset my
plot parameters to fix this or is there something else I can try?
Mark W. Kimpel MD
Indiana University
Kimpel, Mark William wrote:
> I am using the latest version of GOcluster on R2.1.1 for WinXP. When
> invoke display() I get a very nice heatmap but the very top
> GO cluster annotation is off the top edge of the graph. Can I reset
> plot parameters to fix this or is there something else I can try?
Hi Mark,
I assume that you are trying to display a hierarchical cluster? In
case you can add some parameters to the "display" function. You could
try to modify the spacing (default is spacing=15). You can also look
the "plotAxis" function and the parameters that it accepts. I have to
admit that this function is not sufficiently documented at the moment.
If you have too many terms identified I would suggest lowering the
significance threshold (at least for display purposes).
Hope that helps.