Hey, I have good experience with Rcpp, I manage to create IRanges objects etc, and pass them back to R, but GRanges is a bit trickier, since it uses factor for some columns like strand etc.
IRanges is easy, something like this:
S4 getIRangesFromC(int start, int end){ S4 iranges("IRanges"); iranges.slot("start") = start; iranges.slot("width) = end-start+1; return iranges; }
This is my code so far, it can return GRanges but is not valid for conversion to GRangesList, because columns are wrong types.
#IN R ->:
library(Rcpp) require("IRanges") require("GenomicRanges") Sys.setenv("PKG_CXXFLAGS"="-std=c++11") sourceCpp("foo.cpp") a = GRangesC() #<----GRanges object returned from rcpp here
//IN foo.cpp ->
#include <Rcpp.h> using namespace Rcpp; using ui = unsigned int; // [[Rcpp::export]] S4 GRangesC(){ S4 G("GRanges"); //Construct empty GRanges ui seqnames = 1; //Chromosone number S4 ranges ("IRanges"); //Ranges used ranges.slot("start") = 0; ranges.slot("width") = 2; char strand = '+'; //Strand string names = "abc"; //Names of GRanges G.slot("seqnames")= seqnames; G.slot("ranges")= ranges; G.slot("strand")= strand; return G; }
Error is this:
> GRangesList(a) Error in validObject(.Object) : invalid class “GRanges” object: 1: invalid object for slot "seqnames" in class "GRanges": got class "numeric", should be or extend class "Rle" invalid class “GRanges” object: 2: invalid object for slot "strand" in class "GRanges": got class "character", should be or extend class "Rle" invalid class “GRanges” object: 3: 'mcols(x)' is not parallel to 'x'
Is there a better and more safe way to make GRanges from Cpp that uses a safe constructor for GRanges, and not the .slot method ?
BTW: reason I do this is because GRanges is too slow in R for millions of rows, it takes days to combine with lapply etc.
Direct slot access violates the API; I'd instead arrange to call the constructor (
from C++.Okey, thanks, I tried this:
I use something else than depend to include the constructor ?
Use the 'ADD REPLY' button rather than 'Add Answer'. I was thinking more along the lines of http://gallery.rcpp.org/articles/r-function-from-c++/
Hmm, reading your question all the way through ;) ... GRanges can easily work on millions of rows, but you're probably trying to do operations one row at a time, instead of on vectors. e.g.,
And scaling the 'vectorized' version
So what is it that you're actually trying to do?
My objective is: find orfs, do some fancy stuff with each orf, return a grangesList of all processed orfs, there are around 2 million orfs in each experiment, and I do 2000 experiments.
So can you construct a simple example of a GRanges object that is big, and a simple operation that you've implemented and that has driven you to C++?
Ok, here is how it works, if you think c++ is overkill for this, maybe I can stay on vectorization.
So I do not know how many uORFs there will be before I am finished, the findInFrameUORF function looks like this:
Do I need c++ for this, or would vectorization be just as good ?
BTW: Right now the running time for the top lapply is 8 hours.
As written,
are loop invariants (don't depend on iteration, and can be moved outside the lapply. The iteration is nowSo the question is, can
be vectorize?What is
?For what it's worth, my changes as a github gist.
BTW, the getFastaSeq and find_ind_frame_ORFs are not loop invariants, the number is passed by global name.
This is map_granges: it maps IRanges to GRanges with correct columns, so map means transform to
So final question now, is there a good way to make all of this vectorizable or should I make it in cpp ?
It would help a lot to have code that I could actually execute. For instance, it looks like fiveUTRs is a list-GRangesList ? but it could be any number of things. Can you make a simple fully reproducible example (one that takes just a few seconds to run). This of course requires that you provide the definition of mapto_GRanges... Maybe this is a package or code that is or could be made available in GitHub?
yes, I found out it's not possible to vectorize, so I am going to make a C function for making huge GRangesList files that are not vectorizable, I think this will be usefull for others, so it might be shared on GitHub, thank you for your help.